Early Years Funding
For some time, 2 year old children, depending upon eligibility and all 3 and 4 year old children have been entitled to free early education and childcare for 15 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year, with additional hours being accessed at a fee and depending upon availability. Since the government launch in April 2024, working families have also been able to access 15hrs 2 year old funding which is set to increase to 30hrs as of September 2025. In addition, September 2024 saw the introduction of 15hrs funded childcare for 9 months to 2 years (term after 9 months), which is also set to increase to 30hrs as of September 2025 for working families. Any working family funding is subject to eligibility and Ts & Cs - which can be found on the childcare choices website below.
Depending upon the funding you are entitled to, there are differing ways in which it can be used. Some children access funded only places meaning that they attend term time only with only the added cost of meals, whereas others have their funding averaged over the term for all year round attendance with a top up fee as necessary each term to cover the remainder of the childcare provided. We are happy to work with parents and families on an individual basis to best suit their childcare needs and finances.
Payment Plans - For families attending all year round, we generate termly payment plans in line with the awarded funding to give a steady payment across the term to include non-funded weeks. Parents/Carers should be aware that each termly payment plan will differ in cost due to the differing number of funded weeks in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms - with the Summer term payment plan being at a greater cost due to covering 6 weeks + non funded weeks within it. Parents/Carers are required to sign and return such plans to form a payment contract between family and setting.
Parent declaration funding forms - To process funding through the local authority, we are required to submit your family and personal details in order for the claim to be processed. This information will be captured on our local authority parent declaration funding form which will need to be filled in prior to any funding claim and upheld each term. The funding form then covers each family for the financial year with a new one required each financial year thereafter.
Reconfirmation - Families in receipt of funding, with the exception of the disadvantaged 2yr old funding, will be required to reconfirm their details every 12 weeks on their tax-free childcare/funding account. Failure to do so may result in funding being lost for the following term. Access to your account can be found by following the link below to Tax-free childcare.
Support with covering childcare costs.
Tax-Free childcare is a scheme created by the government in which working parents are supported in covering the cost of childcare; providing you with 20% of your childcare fees.
For more information on how much money you could save and whether you meet criteria then please visit the link below
Claiming 2, 3 & 4yr old funding.
For further information on eligibility for funding or to apply - Please follow the link below
Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK
For 2, 3 & 4 year old children accessing the universal funded 15 hours only, we like to offer this as 3 X 5hr days at 9:30am - 2:30pm. We feel that this gives children structure alongside that of a school day, preparing them early for their full days at school. We do also offer other variables in how hours can be used to suit children and parents/carers which can be discussed and agreed.