Home Learning
Your child’s key person will provide you with home learning activities as and when necessary to support your child’s progress. This may be in line with their WellComm assessment and us needing to work together as a team to progress your child’s abilities or it could be through a whole room themed challenge such as creating a sensory bottle or going on an Autumn walk to collect items to explore. In addition to specific learning and outcome based home learning, we also provide lending libraries outside each room that have reading books, small activities and at times toys to take home to borrow.
We actively promote families to send us photos of any achievements and learning that takes place outside of nursery so that we can celebrate this with you as a family and reflect upon it for your child’s next steps. In addition to this, we also seek your input each term into your child’s focused learning week which requires you to give us some information on how you feel your child is progressing and what you think they may still be practising at or need support with.
Please visit the further links below for more home learning ideas, activities and experiences that you can engage in!
Hungry Little Minds.
Simple, fun activities for children birth to age 5. Activities are broken up into age appropriate sections which you can navigate through easily. Click the link below to take a look.
Tiny Happy People.
Tiny Happy People aim to help you develop your child's communication skills. Explore their simple activities and play ideas and find out about your child’s amazing early development.
Further Home Learning Ideas, Websites and more!
Home Chime -
www.savannahkidstv.com - Supporting children to listen and attend
Cosmic Kids Yoga - Introducing Yoga to well known children’s stories and songs - Great for well-being as well as good exercise!
Baby Leaflet - Greater Manchester Moving
Infants Leaflet - Greater Manchester Moving
Preschool Leaflet - Greater Manchester Moving