EYFS Curriculum
As an Early Years setting our standards are set by the Early Years Foundation Stage in ensuring that we support children to learn and develop well and that they are kept healthy and safe. The EYFS is split into two sections - one being the statutory framework and the other section being the learning and development section known as the Development Matters. The statutory framework itself is also split into 3 sections - Section 1 & 2 are the Learning and Development requirements and section 3 being the Safeguarding and Welfare requirements. The learning and development of all children is split into the 7 areas of learning - the first 3 being Prime areas of learning and the final 4 being Specific areas of learning. These are Communication & language, Physical development, Personal, Social & Emotional development, Literacy, Maths, Understanding the world and Expressive Arts & Design. For further information on the Early Years Foundation Stage areas of learning please follow the link Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage - FINAL.pdf (early-education.org.uk)
Children are supported and challenged in many ways to progress and develop in each area of learning ongoing throughout their early years. It is our ultimate aim to have impact upon the children we care for to support them with their future life chances. In order to help us to do this, we have put together a statement that outlines what we aim to provide here as our curriculum at Next Generation!
“Our curriculum is based on ‘In The Moment Planning’ with elements of ‘Curiosity’ and ‘Schematic play’ - Which is supported by The Development Matters and underpinned by the 7 areas of learning of the EYFS” - In order to fulfill our curriculum to it’s fullest, we have set out an ‘Intent’ in each room that gives us a basis to work from with each differing age group of children that we provide care and early education for.
Under 2’s - “To provide security, reassurance and structure in turn creating keen and confident explorers.”
Infants - “To create strong communicators that are growing in independence and are self-aware.”
Preschool - “To promote school readiness through the consolidating of skills and challenge.”
Read on and explore our website further to learn more about what we do here at Next Generation in support of our curriculum, ethos, vision and aims!
Planning in the moment.
We are an in the moment planning setting meaning that we follow your child’s individual spark, what interests and what motivates them. We observe children and in turn tune into their play and ideas, extending on their learning by playing alongside and guiding them in answering open ended questions or finding out something new. This then gives us a basis to plan our environment, to create further provocations and provide resources which supports your child’s learning further. Please take a look at our gallery to see what provocations, resources and experiences we provide.
Recognising the child’s interest and implementing the teaching moment
“Children are born with all the curiosity they will ever need. It will last a lifetime if they are fed upon a diet of daily ideas.” - Charlotte Mason
Progress Scrapbooks
In September 2021 the EYFS Development Matters is set to change meaning that there is less demand on paperwork, assessing children and data. We have taken the leap, in preparation for this, to reduce all unnecessary paperwork giving us much more time with the children to do what we do best. Therefore children are no longer tracked developmentally but each child has a ‘Progress Scrapbook’ in which we collage photographs and record achievements for each child individually, over time showing their progress. This then becomes a keepsake for you as your child moves room to room or leaves us to transition to school. In support of this we also provide an overview of your child’s progress and development each term to keep you involved in your child’s journey.
We invite you at any time to view your child’s progress scrapbook and can offer meetings, phone calls or simply a chat at drop off or collection should you feel you need to discuss any matter of your child’s development.
In recognition that learning and parent communication apps can take our practitioner’s time and attention away from the children in their care, although we understand that some parents/carers seek this, we have chosen to instead operate a nursery mobile phone that parents can send messages to and vice versa to seek or provide updates on your child’s day should you wish to, with the use of WhatsApp for photos. On top of this, with consent, we also operate a private closed Facebook group for each room that regular updates are posted to as well as a weekly overview of what the children have been learning and involved in.
Inclusive practice.
We consider ourselves to be a highly inclusive setting that has equal opportunities for all children and families no matter what their needs, nationality, background or culture. Each child is recognised as an individual and has their needs tailored to each day to support them in their learning and growing. Our setting SENCO is trained in all aspects of supporting children with special educational needs and she has built up good supportive relationships with our Local Authority Inclusion Team as well as external agencies such as Speech and Language Therapy - As a result becoming the SENCO Champion for our cluster area; working to support all local Early Years setting SENCO’s. All staff at Next Generation are subsequently trained and given knowledge on supporting children with additional needs as well as being able to identify this at the earliest opportunity. Nicola deputises Zoe’s SENCO role and supports throughout all aspects. Please visit our Policies and Procedures page to read our SEND policy.
Please visit the link below for further support and information on Wigan’s Local Offer in bringing together parents, settings and services who work with children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Alternatively, speak to your child’s key person or Zoe our setting SENCO
“We have had 4 children with additional needs attend Next Generation over the last 7 years. We have always felt fully supported and kept informed throughout all assessments and processes. Staff are well informed and trained on working with children with additional needs and aren’t afraid to learn new skills to support when needed. Excellent service, excellent skills, excellent staff - what can we say - just an all round excellent organisation!” - Diane - (Parent)
Communication Champions.
At Next Generation we value the importance of supporting children’s speech, language and communication skills. We know that such skills are a crucial part of a child’s overall development.
On our journey to creating a communication friendly environment across our setting, we have developed the roles of Communication Champions. We have 4 Communication Champions at Next Generation Nursery; these staff members have completed additional training courses such as Keys to Communication, Elklan and ECAT (provided by Wigan Early Years Team) to help support in both identifying and supporting children with speech, language and communication needs. The knowledge and skills of these practitioners are also beneficial to all children at our setting. Our Communication Champions are Zoe (Manager), Nicola (Deputy manager), Teigan (Senior) and Rebecca (Senior).
In addition to this, our setting manager Zoe and our deputy manager Nicola, attended a Dfe accredited course called EYPDP, which looked at all aspects of children’s communication skills as well as what setting scan offer to support such skills to the best of their ability. This accrediation also involved the whole staffing team in turn gave us recognised “Communication Friendly 2-4’s status” - <ay 2022 to May 2025.
We have strong links with the WWL NHS Speech and Language Therapy Service and actively follow appropriate guidance when referring children to the Speech and Language Therapy Service. Supporting families throughout the whole process from referral to embedding strategies and sharing ideas.
If you have concerns or questions regarding your child’s speech, language and communication development, please do not hesitate to speak with your child’s key person or Zoe, Nicola, Teigan & Rebecca - who would be happy to support and advise.
WellComm - In addition to all of the above, in support of having the children’s speech, language and communication abilities at the forefront, we also adopted ‘WellComm’ as a tool that we use here at Next Generation - which is a speech, language and communication assessment tool that we see through with all children from 6 months old, giving us an understanding of their skill level and what needs to be worked on. This is then shared with parents and forms our home learning package.
Oral Health
September 2021 saw the EYFS make oral health an Early Years requirement for settings to uphold, ensuring that the oral health of children was on the agenda continuously given the fact that 1 in 5 children under the age of 5 has tooth decay. As a setting we have always been part of any toothbrushing scheme on offer to us over the years and have continually ensured that brushing teeth was a daily routine practice for all Early Years children. Therefore all children will continue to brush their teeth at nursery with prior consent gained from parents/carers upon enrolment. Children are encouraged to do this independently in support of our brushing scheme with Start 4 life - Top Tips for Teeth. Supported by our Local Authority.
Please visit the link below for advice on early toothbrushing and much more