Schoolies & Holiday Club
We provide wrap around care for children attending our local primary school St. Anne’s and provide holiday club care to primary school children across Wigan. Both clubs are offered in a separate section of the building to our Early Years rooms but both continue to reflect our setting vision and aims; valuing children as individuals, promoting challenge, learning new skills and continuing to provide a homely and welcoming environment throughout. Our clubs continue to work on an in the moment planning basis to reflect the practise within our Early Years rooms - meaning that the children in our care lead their own play and learning. As we care for children under the age of 5 we continue to work towards the EYFS, ensuring that we link in with the children’s schools to provide the best possible learning opportunities that reflect their learning at school. Please read on for further information on all aspects of the care we provide.
Our Breakfast and After School Club Intent.
“To provide a relaxed home from home environment that promotes independence, gives a sense of belonging and encourages a community of friendship.”
Holiday Club.
We provide a home from home environment for your child in which they can make new friendships and enjoy time together during the school holidays. We accept children from all primary schools up to the age of 11. For more information please enquire using to link below:
Read on for further information on EYFS within Schoolies, our risk assessments, how we promote independence, CEOP, County lines and our booking system.
Supporting EYFS.
As we care for children aged 5 and under, we embed the EYFS framework into the activities we do and by the room set up, to further support their learning and development. The Schoolies room resembles the theme of the nursery and has elements of curiosity. As we have links to both St Anne’s CE Primary School and Millbrook Primary School, the Schoolies lead aims to have ongoing discussions with teachers on any planning/activities that they’re doing and use medium-term plans (provided by the schools) to support their learning and development here with us.
CEOP stands for ‘Child Exploitation and Online Protection’. CEOP is a command of the UK's National Crime Agency and is tasked to work both nationally and internationally to bring online child sex offenders, including those involved in the production, distribution and viewing of child abuse material, to the UK courts. To support the CEOP command, staff have discussions with the children as they arise on ‘keeping safe online’ and the risks that come with it. There is also a visual display in the Schoolies room full of facts, information and tips to help keep children safe online. Please follow the link below for further information and to help us in protecting your child.
Risk Assessment.
As we drop off and collect from our local primary school, risk assessments have been put into place to consider any hazards. We operate a “walking bus” method which requires two members of staff with increasing numbers of children or 1 for less children, at which point the eldest child will lead the ‘front of the bus’ with the staff member observing all of the children from behind. Our risk assessment can be found by clicking the links below.
County Lines.
County Lines is a term used to describe gangs and organised criminal networks involved in exporting illegal drugs into one or more importing areas within the UK, using dedicated mobile phone lines or other forms of “deal lines”. They are likely to exploit children and vulnerable adults to move and store the drugs and money and they will often use coercion, intimidation, violence (including sexual violence) and weapons.
All staff at Next Generation undergo safeguarding training with county lines being one of its aspects therefore enabling practitioners to be vigilant of such issues and how they are recognised, in turn supporting children of appropriate age in recognising these too. There is also a visual display in the Schoolies room with additional information.
In line with our whole setting’s vision and aims, we encourage the children to be independent. Whether this be through the children deciding what they would like to eat, self-serving their own meals, using appliances (such as the toaster) themselves and independently accessing resources/activities within the room.
How to book.
Bookings for both before and after school club and holiday club come on a first come first served basis. At present, due to demand, we operate an ‘active booking week’ for our Holiday Club when parents are invited to make their booking and secure it with a 50% payment upfront.