Our Infant room Intent.
“To create strong communicators that are growing in independence and are self-aware.”
“I love to see the children develop from babies to young independent children knowing that I have had impact upon them.” - Megan - Infant room practitioner
Infant Room
In our Infant room, we care for children between the ages of 2 - 3 years and aim to promote their independence, their self-awareness and to build upon their ability to communicate with the world around around them. At the age of 2 a child’s brain is at it’s prime time for making links and new pathways of learning - it is therefore considered the time in which teaching can have the most impact to support brain development. With this in mind, our aim is to provide our 2 year olds with an array of learning opportunities throughout our provision both indoors and outdoors in which they can play, explore and consolidate skills as well as providing specific times of teaching throughout the day. At the age of 2-3 year, children begin to test the boundaries and explore risk taking as they find their feet in the world around them. We support and promote this by providing opportunities for controlled and supported risk taking such as climbing and balancing, assault courses, large scale construction and more.
In this room, we work alongside parents and carers in toilet training and promoting skills of independence, ensuring that children are ready for their next stages of learning and have the basic skills they need in life - this involves the management of their own self-help skills as well as building upon self-confidence and self-awareness.
Keys to Communication is embedded throughout practice in our Infant room in order for children to develop the listening and attention skills, the understanding and language skills they need. It forms a basis on which practitioners can build upon in supporting communication and language throughout. Each day, children are involved in a small group focused session which aims to promote the prime areas of learning as well as further learning opportunities such as literacy and mathematics.
At around the age of 27-30 months old, whilst in the Infant room, we are legally required by the Early Years Foundation Stage to review your child’s development in line with your health visitor’s 2YR check. At this point, we will discuss your child’s abilities with you and work together to determine their next steps whether this be something specific such as language skills or to toilet train and become independent in self-care. At times we will liaise with your child’s health visitor in order to give a holistic view and to provide all round support.
“I love working with children in Early Years as everyday is an opportunity to have a significant impact on a young child’s life”
Supporting Independence.
During your child’s time in our Infant room, it is of age and stage appropriate development to become toilet trained. This is something we fully support you with by helping you to recognise when your child is showing such signs of readiness, by giving you tips and strategies and by working with your child day to day.
You can follow the link below for NHS guidance on toilet training or you can speak to your child’s key worker who would be happy to advise and support.
Take a tour of our Infants room